Sew What? Say What?

Some people collect sewing machines, some people fix sewing machines. Some people collect sewing machines so they can fix sewing machines.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Have you ever seen this?
It's a snail, a small snail, and it is climbing a spider's web. Why a snail would want to leave lush garden fronds behind to travel upwards on a thin line to the tree tops is beyond my comprehension. Perhaps this little snail craved adventure, and thought that slender path was it? I don't know.

It was so odd when I first saw it, I didn't know if it was alive. I watched for a while until I saw movement, upward and from side to side as it found its way. The thread it was climbing was one of the anchor threads for this spider web, although I wonder if a sticky web part would have fazed this beast at all. I doubt it would.
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