Something happened last Summer
Ok, not that startling. I've been studying spinning wheels in my own way for about two years now. My way? Studying everything I could find on making or repairing spinning wheels. I ranged from old hippie magazines to books on antique restoration, all starting when Crystal, of our local YLS, the Boll Weaver, suggested that if I were to join the spinning guild, I could participate in a project of rehabbing broken spinning wheels. I didn't join, but got intrigued by fixing spinning wheels. Eventually I started doing my research.
Then, this Summer, I saw an ad for a spinning wheel and struck a deal. After I tuned and toned and oiled to my heart's content, I was struck with a realization--I never studied anything on how to use it.
I bought a book, and talked to Crystal. She said "It takes about a pound of roving before you get the hang of it." Of course, I didn't even know what roving was. She explained, and I bought some. Took it home, had no idea what to do with it, read my book some more, fiddled around, and finally, after a lot of trial and error, I produced something that resembled yarn.
I'm doing a bit better now, thanks. But I thought it would be good to memorialze my first yarn as it sat on the spool.
(The wheel is an Ashford Traveller.)
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