Sew What? Say What?

Some people collect sewing machines, some people fix sewing machines. Some people collect sewing machines so they can fix sewing machines.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Something happened last Summer

Something startling.

Ok, not that startling. I've been studying spinning wheels in my own way for about two years now. My way? Studying everything I could find on making or repairing spinning wheels. I ranged from old hippie magazines to books on antique restoration, all starting when Crystal, of our local YLS, the Boll Weaver, suggested that if I were to join the spinning guild, I could participate in a project of rehabbing broken spinning wheels. I didn't join, but got intrigued by fixing spinning wheels. Eventually I started doing my research.

Then, this Summer, I saw an ad for a spinning wheel and struck a deal. After I tuned and toned and oiled to my heart's content, I was struck with a realization--I never studied anything on how to use it.

I bought a book, and talked to Crystal. She said "It takes about a pound of roving before you get the hang of it." Of course, I didn't even know what roving was. She explained, and I bought some. Took it home, had no idea what to do with it, read my book some more, fiddled around, and finally, after a lot of trial and error, I produced something that resembled yarn.

I'm doing a bit better now, thanks. But I thought it would be good to memorialze my first yarn as it sat on the spool.

(The wheel is an Ashford Traveller.)
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