Sew What? Say What?

Some people collect sewing machines, some people fix sewing machines. Some people collect sewing machines so they can fix sewing machines.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Birth of a Notion

A current passion is spinning yarn for my Sis. My Sis, hereinafter known as Squirrel, is a dear heart, and brings me happiness with her very creation. When we both lived in the same town, we'd spend every weekend together. Now we email, and I dream of being able to be able to walk into the transporter and tell Scotty to beam me down.

My sis loves my hand dyed and hand spun yarn, and I'm determined to give her as much as I am able to. This particular bit is part of a piece involving wonderful combed Romney, dyed many colors in one process. (See earlier posts about KA dying if you want some details.) It's a slow process, but often good things do come slowly.

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At 7:56 PM, Blogger Melissa Plank said...

Yea, I'm so happy to see a new post!!! Sister Squirrel is very lucky to have you spinning for her!!!

At 1:55 PM, Blogger --donna said...

Melissa, Sister Squirrel has finally joined Ravelry. I don't know what moniker she goes by there, but I hope to find out.

At 8:02 PM, Blogger weekend knitter said...

That is very pretty! I haven't dyed roving yet. Just yarn. But eventually....

At 1:14 PM, Blogger --donna said...

weekend knitter, you will love it if you dye the washed but not yet spun wool. The results can be unpredictable, but much art is.

At 1:14 PM, Blogger --donna said...

weekend knitter, you will love it if you dye the washed but not yet spun wool. The results can be unpredictable, but much art is.


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